Recent Appellate Cases Handled by the Firm

Appeal: Lewis v. DOL, 157 Wn.2d 446 (2006)

Supreme Court Rules Police Violated State Privacy Act: The State Supreme Court has ruled that police officers violated the State Privacy Act in our client's case where they recorded a DUI investigation without advising the client he was being recorded. The Court ruled that an advisement of the recording must be found on the recording itself. The Court reversed the license suspension and ordered a new hearing.

Practice area(s): Appeals

Court: Washington State Supreme Court

Robertson Law

Ryan Robertson has a proven track record of creative and effective advocacy for clients throughout the state of Washington seeking petitions to vacate and requesting pardons.

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Ryan Robertson's practice focuses exclusively on high-quality creative post-conviction representation, including expungements, vacation of records, and petitions to seal, as well as petitions for pardons.